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Traffic simulation models often neglect the important role of motorcycles and assume a flow of various combinations of cars. This paper addresses how much different would be the behavior of a car driver while following a motorcyclist compared to cases in which a car follows another car, along with a segment of an urban highway in the non-congested flow. Recognition of such a difference might help to develop existing simulation models and to improve the behavior of car drivers in such a way to lead to lower accidents with motorcycles. To reach the goal, a GHR (Gazis-Herman-Rothery) model for car following is applied and data have been collected by video cameras during 15?min time intervals in three different days. Analysis of 198 car-motorcycle and 374 car-car following observations has indicated that when a car driver follows a motorcycle, keeps a higher headway (about 10?m in the low speed) with a lower acceleration/deceleration in comparison with the situation in which car driver follow another one. It means that the behavior of the follower car driver would be more cautious compared to situations in which a car driver follows another one, especially in space headways <10?m. In addition to main findings of the paper for developing a more realistic simulation program, the paper also addresses that in cases when the required safe space between a car and a motorcycle would be endangered, a warning message could be generated for the car driver (by implementing an in-veh ITS technology) to warn driver about keeping a safe distance.  相似文献   
为了选择落石威胁下的严重偏压地形地段的合理工程方案,满足工程美学和环保要求,通过各种方案比选,提出一种新型结构形式—Z形刚架半棚式明洞。针对落石冲击荷载进行计算分析,分析结果表明:在各种冲击角度下,冲击荷载小于1800 k N时,各部位第一主应力均小于混凝土抗拉极限强度;Z形刚架半棚式明洞具有较强的抗落石冲击能力,具有较好的安全性。Z形刚架半棚式明洞具有开挖小,能承受落石荷载较大,受力特性较好,结构美观,对沿途景观和植被破坏小,施工较为方便等优点,具有较好的应用前景,可给隧道设计、施工和研究提供有益的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
铁路空间结构物的设置考虑因素众多,在节约资金的前提下,同时确定合理的桥梁、路基、隧道方案是一种尝试;利用GIS系统中DEM数据管理及空间分析功能,提取出特定平面线路位置条件下的地面线高程数据,在满足高速铁路线路纵断面设计原则的基础上,按照工程量及工程造价最小的目标函数条件,通过编程求解出拟定坡度条件下最优的路基、桥梁、隧道长度布置方案,计算结果满足结构物布置的经济性要求。  相似文献   
基于层次分析法原理,建立了铁路隧道结构构造和常见震害形式的层次模型,通过采用1-9标度法、9/9-9/1分数标度法、10/10-18/2分数标度法、20/2~28/2指数标度法、90/8~98/8指数标度法等5种方法分别构建判断矩阵,借助Matlab软件求最大特征值λmax后,运用计算一致性指标(CI)和平均随机一致性指标(RI),得出计算一致性比例CR指标值,对5种常用权重值计算方法的适用性进行检验。研究表明:在铁路隧道地震灾害损失定量评估时,采用9/9~9/1分数标度法计算权重值较为快速、准确、合理、便捷,可作为铁路隧道灾害定量损失评估权重值的计算依据。  相似文献   
超偏载监测管理系统的研究与开发   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
超偏载检测装置(以下全文简称超偏载)是一种自动地对行进中的列车实行不停车、不摘钩连续动态称量的计量设备,在铁路安全保障中有着特殊的位置,是铁路安全运行的重要组成部分。以图形形式显示全国超偏载的状态信息,可以及时、准确地掌握超偏载地理分布、使用状态、检定状况等相关数据,并及时与相关单位(包括国家轨道衡计量站分站、超偏载使用车站、用户和衡器生产厂家等)进行业务信息交换,使超偏载管理工作更加科学、高效、规范。  相似文献   
This study quantifies the energy and environmental impact of a selection of traffic calming measures using a combination of second-by-second floating-car global positioning system data and microscopic energy and emission models. It finds that traffic calming may result in negative impacts on vehicle fuel consumption and emission rates if drivers exert aggressive acceleration levels to speed up to their journeys. Consequently by eliminating sharp acceleration maneuvers significant savings in vehicle fuel consumption and emission rates are achievable through driver education. The study also demonstrates that high emitting vehicles produce CO emissions that are up to 25 times higher than normal vehicle emission levels while low emitting vehicles produce emissions that are 15–35% of normal vehicles. The relative increases in vehicle fuel consumption and emission levels associated with the sample traffic calming measures are consistent and similar for normal, low, and high emitting vehicles.  相似文献   
在当今社会,汽车已经发展成人们日常生活中的代步工具,更快更舒适成为了今后汽车的研究方向,因此悬架系统成为了人们首要的研究目标。本设计以两座电动汽车后悬架为研究对象,通过对两种类型的悬架的优缺点进行对比,选取最适合两座电动汽车后悬架的悬架类型,采用非独立悬架以达到制造简便、方便维修且结构简单的目的。对后悬架的弹性元件和减震器进行计算,确定其弹性元件和减震器等零部件的具体数值并进行校核,确保计算所得的数据符合设计要求,并运用CATIA建模。  相似文献   
考虑土-结构相互作用(SSI)是地震激励下桥梁抗震性能评估的热难点之一.由于考虑土体影响多而建立的结构模型计算耗时极长,为了提高效率,现采用一致多尺度建模方法,将所研究部位建为实体单元,其他部位建为梁单元,单元之间采用适当的方法进行界面连接,保证宏观、精细单元间的变形协调,并对某一桥梁进行分析,验证了该方法的正确性.在此基础上,基于多尺度建模方法,建立三跨连续梁桥模型,对其进行弹塑性时程分析,对比分析考虑SSI和不考虑SSI效应的桥梁模型在地震激励下的响应结果,研究SSI效应对桥梁抗震性能的影响.结果表明:多尺度建模方法可以在保证计算精度的前提下有效地提高计算效率;考虑SSI效应能够有效地降低桥梁的抗震性能需求.因此,在设计时应加以考虑.  相似文献   
系统归纳总结我国高速铁路路基技术体系形成、发展、完善的历程和高速铁路路基建设10年来在地基处理、路基结构层设计和填筑、路堤式路堑、过渡段、路基边坡支挡防护和防排水、路基结构与附属电缆沟槽和接触网支柱等基础的系统集成、沉降变形观测与评估等方面变革和发展取得的成就,指出正是高速铁路对路基工程刚度和变形的严苛要求,促进了我国高速铁路路基技术的革命性变革和不断进步,强化了路基结构物的建造理念,凝聚了路基结构物的生命力;同时,在非饱和土、膨胀土(岩)等方面阐释路基建设过程中仍需继续研究解决的问题。希冀本文有助于我国高速铁路路基技术体系的不断完善、创新发展,进一步提升我国高速铁路路基建造水平,增强满足列车安全、高速、舒适运营的生命力。  相似文献   
文章在对沥青路面早期损坏原因进行分析的基础上,探讨了解决路面早期损坏的途径,提出了采用组合式基层的优化设计思路,并对组合式基层沥青路面结构进行了设计分析,认为组合式基层沥青路面是一种比较适合于重载交通的路面结构。  相似文献   
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